The browser storage localStorage is not available. Either your browser does not support it or you have disabled it or the maximum memory size is exceeded. Without localStorage your solutions will not be stored.


Besides undefined JavaScript knows another value for "no value": null. You can assign the value null to a variable and test for null with strict equality:
let foo = null;
if (foo === null) {
  foo = 1;
It is a mistake that JavaScript has two values for "no value". One should always treat undefined and null equally.


Write a function cutComment that takes one line of JavaScript and returns a possible line comment trimmed. If the line contains no line comment, null should be returned. For simplicity, we assume that the code does not contain the comment characters within a string.

Example: cutCommt('let foo; // bar') should return 'bar'.
function cutComment(str) {
  let startOfComment = str.indexOf('//');
  if (startOfComment === -1) {
    return null;
  let comment = str.substr(startOfComment + 2);
  return comment.trim();
